Friday, April 30, 2010

Tuxes, Photographer and Vows

Last weekend Scott and I reserved Tuxes for the boys. So, now all that’s left for the wardrobe is my jewelry and shoes. Recently, a few friends of mine have held Silpada Jewelry parties and I really like their jewelry – but I think it might be a little bit too casual for my wedding dress. What do you think? ( I think I may borrow my friends pearls…I’m not quite decided yet. I haven’t seen them…and I don’t know what they look like. I prefer not to wear a traditional strand of pearls. I want something interesting. I’ll let you know what I decide.

Yesterday, we met with the photographer and we think she’ll be able to capture the essence of our wedding. Her photography is artistic – and she has a knack for capturing natural, intimate moments at an event. She tends to take candid pictures over posed ones. And, those are the moments I want to capture on the day of our wedding. So I think I’ve found the right person. Just in case you’re curious, you can get a sense of her photography at her site (

We have also started working on the actual ceremony. Here it is so far:

Introduction: Welcome, to all of you who have gathered today to share in this ceremony with Scott and Suzan

The words that will be spoken here today are significant, though they are not what join these two. Nor is it this ceremony. For we are not here to mark the start of a relationship but to recognize a bond that already exists. Scott and Suzan have already committed themselves to each other, and we have gathered so they might bear witness before us of the love that has grown between them.

We are here to witness their statement of love and commitment. This is an act as ancient as the human race and, at the same time, as new as each morning. For it speaks of the past and hopes for the future, of the life of the individual and the existence of the community. Marriage is a going forth; a giving up of one way in search of a greater fulfillment than either can achieve alone, risking what they are for what they might be.

Declaration of Intentions:
Scott and Suzan, do you come with joy and anticipation to this moment when you will be legally joined in marriage? Do you pledge to treat each other with kindness, respect and compassion, to listen to each other and to speak to each other with honesty, today and always?

We do.

Recognition of the Gathered Company:
Each of you has been invited here because you are a special person in the lives of Scott and Suzan. You have come to celebrate with them and to witness their commitment to one another. Will you, their friends and family, do all in your power to support this couple now, and in the years ahead?

Reply: We will.

Words to the Couple:
You have come to love each other deeply and sincerely. That love has given you the desire to unite in marriage and to establish a home together. In this ceremony you are dedicating yourselves to give happiness and well being, each to the other. Your marriage is an act of trust. It must not be based on the vain hope of what the other will do or will not do, might become or might not become. It must be based on the firm belief in your own individual worth and that of the other. Your pledge today is an expression of your devotion. The words spoken in this ceremony will validate your marriage only if your love and commitment to one another are strong enough to sustain it. Today you announce your love for each other in the presence of families and friends. We rejoice with you and we wish you well.

In marriage a family comes into being. Be joyful in your family. Bring to your family an appreciation of the beauty of each other. Bring to your family a sense of comfort and strength. Bring to your family a joy and thankfulness for being together. Today we not only celebrate this marriage, but we also celebrate the affirmation of family with Put the names of your children

Scott and Suzan, as you have come here freely to give yourselves in marriage do you now promise that you will love and honour each other as husband and wife? Reply: We do

Exchange of vows:

*Scott's for Suzan*

Today Suzan, before our family, friends and children I take you as my wife. I join my life to yours, not merely as your husband, but as your best friend, I promise to love you without reservation, encourage you in all your efforts and be your faithful companion in good times and in bad. I commit to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be open and honest with you and hold you above all others.

*Suzan's for Scott*

Today Scott, before our family, friends and children I take you as my husband. I join my life to yours, not merely as your wife, but as your best friend, I promise to love you without reservation, encourage you in all your efforts and be your faithful companion in good times and in bad. I commit to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be open and honest with you and hold you above all others.

*Exchange of Rings:*

The ring is the symbol of the unbroken gift of love. Like time, love freely given has no beginning and no end. May these rings be an outward and visible sign of the bond which unites these two loyal hearts in endless love. May your rings always call to mind the freedom and power of this love.

* please repeat after me:*

Suzan, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder that I will always be there for you, and will forever remain loving, honest, kind, patient and forgiving. Take this ring and be my wife.

* please repeat after me:*

Scott, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder that I will always be there for you, and will forever remain loving, honest, kind, patient and forgiving. Take this ring and be my husband.

*Sand Ceremony *

Suzan and Scott are joined in their vows by their children, for the love and commitment involves everyone in this blended family of six. This relationship is symbolized through the blending of these individual containers of sand. Each person brings their own special light and gift onto this union. What is created here today is a unique symbol of the union to which all of you form a part of.

Scott, you are the foundation of the family, the protector, the keeper and the defender. Neither folly nor harm may come to your family least it passes first through you. A man draws his strength from the love of his wife and children. And by all rights there be not a man nor circumstance that can hope to stand against you.

Suzan, you are the family’s heart built of love, nurturing and wellbeing for the family. Gently, guiding, inspiring, soothing and comforting. You guard and tend the hearts and emotions of your beloved family. You are ever present and steadfast in subtle yet dynamic ways, offering great and enduring strength and loving wisdom that will carry on for a life time.

Preston, you are the eldest. As the eldest, you will be seen as the leader, providing a watchful eye and examples for the others to follow. Your gifts to this family are the qualities of justice, independence, determination and self reliance.

Amelie, you are strong, witty and playful. You understand the importance of friendship. You understand that to inspire others, you must have confidence in yourself. And your playfulness is a gift to our family.

Chloe, you show by example what kind of heart it takes to make a difference in this world. You are capable of so many great things …not just for yourself, but for the benefit and wellbeing of all. You remind us the greatest gift is love.

Cole, you have a unique and creative mind. You’re ability to get lost in your imagination is incredible. We appreciate your ‘suspishical’ spirit.

Scott and Suzan you now seal the family vessel with your sand, symbolizing the families’ blending and unity, with love, joy, wisdom, pride, protection and blessings for each of you and for all the days of your lives. From this moment forward you are now and always will be a family. May all of you keep your individuality as represented by your individual vases, and in time, as the sands in your family vase combine so will the strength and bounds of your new relationships. Nurture and respect each other always. Honor the gifts that each of you posses and share your gifts with each other freely and with sincerity. By doing so, each of you will become greater, wiser, kinder and stronger.

Support, and protect each other, listen to each other and teach each other through love, understanding and consideration.

Scott and Suzan, inasmuch as you have pledged yourselves, each to the other, and inasmuch as you have declared the same in the presence of this company by exchanging vows and by giving and receiving rings, I do now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may seal your vows with a kiss.
With abiding confidence and deep affection,
We send you forth on life's journey together.
May love and peace be yours always.
A peace which the world can neither give nor take away,
A love which the world cannot destroy.
May you have courage, wisdom and peace in your future years together.
And may the happiness you share today be with you always.

Go now to walk the ways of the world together. You, Preston, Cole Amelie and Chloe, too, have entered this circle of love, where you will be sheltered and warmed until you are grown and go to find your own world. May the days of all of you be good and long upon the earth.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I present to you Scott and Suzan, as husband and wife

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

As a Christmas present last year Scott signed us up to take Salsa dancing lessons and it's turned out to be such a wonderful gift. We showed up for our first lesson, feeling a little bit nervous about meeting all kinds of new people and

Every Sunday evening we go dancing together. It's great exercise and great fun!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spinach and Asparagus Soup

Recently I made a very easy and healthy spinach and asparagus soup that a friend really enjoyed. She suggested that I post it to my blog…so here it is.
  • 4 cups of low sodium chicken broth
  • 4 large celery stalks, chopped
  • 1 large container of fresh baby spinach
  • 1 bunch of fresh asparagus 
  • Salt and pepper
Add 4 cups of low sodium chicken broth to a pot and add the chopped celery. Bring the broth and celery to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Add the spinach to the broth and cook for 5 minutes.  Turn off the heat and scoop out ½ the asparagus onto a cutting board. Chop the asparagus into ½ inch segments and set it aside. Place all of the baby spinach into the pot containing the hot broth and cover for 5 minutes to allow the spinach to wilt. Blend the soup with a food processor or blender until smooth. Return the soup to a pot and add the remaining asparagus segments. Add pepper and salt to taste.

Serve hot with delicious crusty bread and extra old cheese.

Bonne Appetite.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wedding and flower girl dresses found!

Amelie, Chloe and I spent the day with my step mom shopping for wedding and flower girl dresses on St. Hubert street in Montreal. Its incredible how many stores are located on that two block segment of St. Hubert. If you can't find a dress there...I doubt you'd be able to find one anywhere.

My dress is a very simple, cream coloured, strapless dress. Amelie's dress is cream as well with some beading on the torso and bottom. Chloe's dress is very similar but in gold with beading on just the torso. We also found beautiful matching shoes and tiaras for the girls.

It's hilarious because now that we've bought the dresses for the girls, they are going to have to wait over two months to wear them. That's just going to be torture for them. They just can't wait!

So, the next step will be to put together Scott, Preston and Cole's outfits for the big day. I think they could pretty much choose any colour that matches this cream and gold palette. If they want to choose a bright colour like orange or blue, we could potentially make our bouquets that colour.

So, I have two months left to plan and here's my to-do list:

• Design and send out the invitations. We’ve already got a rough idea what they will look like.
• Reserve the tuxedo rental for Scott and the boys.
• Buy shoes for myself.
• Design and make my jewellery.
• Hire a photographer (I've already got a photographer in mind but am trying to solidify a meeting with her on April 27 to confirm her availability and costs.
• Plan where Scott and I will go the night of our wedding.
• Buy gift for the kids. Ideally necklaces for each of them.
• Plan the ceremony with the officiate.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spinal asymmetry or juvenile scoliosis?

These past few months have been a roller-coaster ride. For about two years my daughter has been periodically complaining about having a sore back. At first I ignored her complaints. After-all, I have pain in my back on-and-off too, so do most people I know. I figured that minor back pain just a part of being in the 'vertebrate' family of species. But as she continued to complain it occurred to me that it may not be normal for a 5-6 year old to complain so frequently about back pain. So we (her father and I) decided to take Chloe to the doctor just incase this is something more serious.

Our family doctor did the standard forward bend test (Adam's test) to check for a curve in her spine. He checked her shoulders, to see if they were even. He also checked her hips to see if they were level. And when she bent forward, he checked her back to see if there was any visible asymmetry. He didn't see any substantial unbalance in her shoulders or hips, but we all could see a slight curve in her back toward the right. And, when we looked more closely, we could see an slight elevation of the right side of her back caused by the rotation of her trunk-what some call a rib hump. (Note: Angle of trunk rotation is also referred to as ATR)

We were given a requisition to go to the Children's Hospital in Eastern Ontario (CHEO) for x-rays.  In December 2010 Chloe's x-rays were taken and a week later we received the results. The report on Chloe's x-ray claimed that she had an 18 degree curve in her back and referred us to the orthopedic surgeon.

In an effort to get the best information possible about Chloe, we decided to make an appointment with a second orthopedic surgeon who was referred to us through a friend's physiotherapist. The appointment took place last week on April 9, 2010. The hospital took two x-rays with their EOS III machine, which is a low-dose 3D imaging device. In case you didn't know, x-ray exposure increases the risk of developing cancer--so if you can avoid taking x-rays you should. We are trying to keep Chloe's x-ray exposure down to a minimum. The EOS III machine decreases radiation exposure by 100-500 times (compared to typical scanners).

Once the x-rays were ready we met with the orthopedic surgeon. He analyzed the x-rays and examined Chloe using the forward bend test and a scoliometer. His reading of the x-rays determined that she had a 16 degree curve in her spine and the scoliometer reading showed a significant enough ATR to warrant concern. In his opinion Chloe has juvenile scoliosis and needs to be fitted with a brace immediately. If she does not receive treatment the curve will worsen and there will be 100% chance that she'll need surgery. And, surgery is something to be avoided if at all possible because there are several possible complications and negative long-term effects.

What a shock to hear all of this! I was expecting to hear that Chloe's curve was small and not anything to be concerned about. I was expecting to hear that her curve would either stay as it is or straighten itself out with time. Not in a million years did I expect to receive such alarming information. Trying to come to terms with the fact that Chloe had juvenile scoliosis. That, without treatment there would probably be 100% chance that down the road she would have to have spinal surgery (which could have devastating results). She would have to be fitted with a brace immediately and wear it 20 hours per day for the next 8 years of her life--only to decrease the chances of her requiring surgery down the road to 30%. Imagine going through all of that and still requiring surgery down the road!

Yesterday, we met with the second orthopedic surgeon and received a completely different diagnosis. He examined the original x-rays taken at CHEO and did not agree with the report (where they found the angle to be 18 degrees). He measured the angles several times and determined that there was a less then 10 degree curve. He even tried to exaggerate the results and was only able to get 13% curve. He also examined Chloe using a number of physical exams, including the forward bend test with a scoliometer where he reported only mild asymmetry with a 4 degree ATR. His diagnosis was that Chloe did not have juvenile scoliosis, but rather spinal asymmetry. And, spinal asymmetry does not require a brace and could potentially remain the same or even correct itself. Wow - what a different opinion! I was thoroughly confused.

He went on to say that there is a chance that Chloe does actually have juvenile scoliosis, so we should watch her very closely for any signs of progression in the curve. If the curve in her back does progress, we will need to reexamine her back and take it from there.

It amazes me how drastically different these two prognosis' are. And now, I feel like I need a third unbiased opinion. Fortunately I have a friend who's brother is an orthopedic surgeon so maybe he'll be able to shed some light into the situation. Right now, I'm leaning toward the watch-and-wait recommendation. It's less invasive for my six year old daughter. Four months down the road, if there is any change in the curve of her spine we'll evaluate once again whether it could be juvenile scoliosis.

I'd love to hear anyone's stories about spinal abnormalities, asymmetry, scoliosis, etc.